GEO Investing

3pea International, Inc. (NBB:TPNL)  – GeoTeam to Track Designer and Developer of Payment Solutions 3pea International, Inc. (NBB:TPNL) ($0.25) designs and develops payment solutions including proprietary payment terminals, secure key loading systems, prepaid card systems, and various payment services. Will begin […]

Call to Action: Ocean Bio-Chem (OBCI) – Added to our GeoBargain OBCI position in yesterday’s trading session. Added OBCI ($5.10; marked up to $5.75 pre market) – On 10/8/2014 on our message boards, then via email, we alerted members that […]

Summary REPR’s flagship product has a firm grip on the growing infusion homecare market and REPR’s stock is trading at a significant discount to what it’s worth. The product is held in high regard by those in the industry, who […]

Summary: 344 days of time-lapse surveillance of CGA’s high-margin Jinong fertilizer factory, contributing 75% of CGA’s gross profit, shows it only shipped around 10% of the volume CGA reports it sold. 51 days of time-lapse surveillance of CGA’s low-margin Gufeng […]

Call(s) to Action: FABU, SBOTF, VIMC, WYY Long: WYY Short: None Closing Position: VIMC, FABU, SBOTF Long: WYY ($1.68, marked up to $1.90) – Buying WYY due to significant contract win of $87.9 million.   Contract value is greater than TTM […]