Stock Portfolios That Can Connect With Your Investing Style
At GeoInvesting, we provide model portfolios for you to look through. These stock portfolios contain a set number of stocks so you can easily follow them. Each of these stock market portfolios is unique, so you can be sure to find one that connects with your style and interests.
We construct these stock portfolios in accordance with your risk tolerance and investing objectives. We ensure these stock portfolios have the best options available to our client base. We’re constantly conducting stock research and staying up-to-date with trends and analyzing the stock market.
Depending on the strategy, each of our model portfolios has a set number of stocks. This can make it easier for our clients to find stocks that align with their interests and that can connect with them.
We have a range of stock portfolios to choose from. We offer contrarian portfolios, multi-bagger portfolios, take-over portfolios and special situation stock portfolios, to name a few. These portfolios are all unique and suited for different types of investors. Whether you’re looking for lower risk stock market portfolios or you’re interested in high risk portfolios, we have something for everyone.
At GeoInvesting, we believe we offer the best research and ranking portfolios because we care about the success of our clients. We deliver top notch results that provide clients with impressive rates of return on their investments.
If you’re not too savvy on stock portfolios, turn to our team. We put together research and ranking portfolios that do all of the hard work for you. If you need assistance, our experienced experts are here to help and educate you on our stock portfolios and give guidance on which would be best for you.
If you’re interested in investing in stocks, check out some of our top research and ranking portfolios today!
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I am a relatively new member. I am really enjoying the service. Even more importantly, I am learning a lot. I like the GeoInvesting approach, where you guys just demonstrate your trades, rather than providing buy/sell recommendations. This is great because this allows the subscriber to proceed and do his/her own research on these names. I do not have a great amount to invest. I have allocated 10 thousand dollars for GeoInvesting ideas and for future membership fees! Keep up the great work guys. Es
Eswaran W.
Hi Maj, Been a GeoInvesting member since Summer 2018. You opened my eyes to the inefficiencies and opportunities in the microcap market. Looking forward to learning more from you and the GeoInvesting team.
Ani V.
7 Reasons to Love @GeoInvesting: * Maj Soueidan is a kind and generous mentor * Experienced and proven tea * Brings you quality microcap ideas * Helps you avoid deceptive companies * Quick and concise research * Deep due diligence * Maj is a top ranked @MicroCapClub member
Thomas B.
Thank you for your e-mails. I am glad that I was able to join GeoInvesting. Microcaps are one of the very few niches where a retail investor can do well, and your service looks sincere and solid. I learnt to know about it from a podcast interview with Nate Tobik and Fred Rockwell. I’ve bought a small bucket of stocks that are in the portfolios but haven’t run up yet. From now on I will focus on the daily morning newsletters and add something new that looks promising. I’m grateful that you make the information available through e-mail and not only through Twitter.
H. Narrog
Hi, I have already taken some action and purchased some shares in some of the stocks you cover. So far with the information from the GEOinvesting portal I have been able to monitor and understand those shares and navigate the web page easily. The information I am getting from the portal is extremely helpful in understanding why stocks go up or down. Thank you so much for helping me get started and coaching me through this, I appreciate everything Maj, and the Geo team have provided me with.
Austin G.
GeoInvesting is the most valuable microcap research service available today. Their breadth of coverage, when considering depth of analysis, is the most expansive we have yet to encounter. Their coverage focuses on actionable ideas. Their analysis includes considerations of timing and most importantly their thesis and corresponding granular support for their views; and they are transparent with respective to their own positions in the names they cover. GeoInvesting’s principal, Maj Soueidan, is one of the best microcap investors in the equity markets today.
David Baker, VideoXRM
I personally really, really believe that you have the best personal approach to speculation…best odds by far …than anyone else I’ve seen in my 40 yrs at this….no kidding Maj… the fact that it is the closest to my own has something to do with it…as I have been hurt so many times that I only take the smallest risk possible in choosing an investment campaign.
Mario Rinaldi
GEOINVESTING has a fantastic team that does amazing due diligence to find potentially explosive opportunities in the microcap space. I have tremendous respect and admiration for Maj the CEO and co-founder of GEO. He is one of the most humble and hardest working, all around stand up guys in the business. GEO has had some amazing calls over the years that makes their service a steal in my opinion. If you aren’t afraid of the space and you understand the risk and potential rewards of microcaps.
“@GeoPremium I have bought calls based on your report, made 100% on my money, could have made 200%. Anyway, great call as always!”
bednar_filip (Twitter)
“First off, great site – love the depth of info you give out on my favorite sector — micro-caps”
Matt M.
“Your service is excellent. I have been doing quite well with your recommendations in the ‘buy on pullback” mock portfolios.”
Gary D.
I am glad that I was able to join GeoInvesting. Microcaps are one of the very few niches where a retail investor can do well, and your service looks sincere and solid. I learnt to know about it from a podcast interview with Nate Tobik and Fred Rockwell.