GEO Investing

Model Stock Portfolios That Can Connect With Your Investing Style

GeoInvesting’s Model Portfolios, launched in 2016, make it easy for you to know what stocks in our 1500+ microcap coverage universe (United States and Canada) to pay attention to. 

These Model Portfolios have consistently delivered high returns and easily beaten the market.

GeoInvesting Premium subscribers use these portfolios to build their own quality microcap multi-bagger portfolios or perform their own research.

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Most Popular GeoInvesting Model Portfolios

New High Conviction Monthly Open Forum Focus Model Portfolio

This NEW Model Portfolio includes stocks that we predict can rise 50% to 100% in the near-term, while also having long-term multi-bagger potential. In essence, these are our favorite core stocks. We announce new additions to the portfolio during our live open monthly forum events conducted at the beginning of each month.

There are currently 7 stocks (as of 10/26/2024) in this model portfolio, here’s an example focus stock addition from our 9/5/2024 monthly open forum, in which Acorn Energy, Inc. (OTCQB:ACFN) was highlighted:

Notably, one third of the stocks in this portfolio have eclipsed at least a 50% return. (As of Sept. 28, 2024)

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High Conviction Buy On Pullback Model Portfolio 

The Buy on Pullback Model Portfolio employs a strategy that identifies high-potential microcap stocks that have recently experienced a price dip, or “pullback,” often due to market volatility or temporary factors rather than fundamental issues with the company. This creates an opportunity to enter a position with expectations that the dip is temporary.

Nine out of our first 11 Buy on Pullback Model (BOP) Portfolios beat the major stock indexes.

But on Pullback Portfolio Returns 1 - 11 to Aug 17 2024
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Speculative Run to $1 (R21) Model Portfolio

Throughout the last three decades, our founder, Maj Soueidan, has come to enjoy placing speculative bets on stocks trading under one dollar to complement his long-term portfolio of high-quality microcap stocks. 

Maj also enjoys proving all the microcap haters and skeptics wrong. That’s why we created the GeoInvesting Run to $1 Model Portfolio in 2013.

For example, GeoInvesting’s Run to $1 Model Portfolio has an average return of 45% over an 11-year span across nearly 50 stocks. (As of Sept. 28, 2024)

Simply, the R21 contains stocks trading under $1 that we feel have what it takes to eventually eclipse the one dollar mark in the future.

Here’s a nice summary of our Run to $1 Model Portfolio journey, including our biggest winner that went onto increase over 6395%.

a One tweet says it all:

“Our Run to $1.00 Model Portfolio holds sub-$1 stocks we flag for potential multi-baggers. We’re on the lookout for real Cos. being mislabeled by the crowd. Cos. with real revenues, profits & solid Mgmt. vs pump & dumps.”

Join today with an annual two week free trial or a monthly subscription.

More than Just A List

Please understand that our model portfolios aren’t just lists of stock picks; they’re roadmaps. 

Each stock in these portfolios is selected based on our rigorous analysis to build model portfolios that give investors a blended exposure to undervalued stocks with themes like growth, GARP, contrarian, momentum, special situations, turnarounds and dividends/income that are undervalued. 

Regular updates ensure that Geoinvesting Premium subscribers have access to new stocks added to these portfolios, as well as ongoing updates and removals, backed by research from our analyst team. 

We now have 16 years of our own Research Archives to be able to quickly pull from our 1,500 microcap stock universe, as opportunities arise. 

When you combine this with scores of other stock pitches from our investor community, GeoInvesting Premium subscribers get a huge competitive advantage against other stock picking sites, newsletters and research platforms.

👇Start building your high quality microcap portfolio today👇


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