GEO Investing

As a follow-up to last week’s primer on the upcoming Skull Session roundtable that was about to take place on February 21, 2024, this week is the perfect opportunity to review the discussion I had with the panel of microcap investing experts to shed light on the nuanced strategies of investing in the small to microcap space, with the expressed intent of idea discovery, case studies and at times, pitches.

The digital landscape has undergone a seismic shift in the past few decades, transitioning from traditional, monolithic software development practices to the modern, agile, and infinitely scalable solutions offered by cloud computing.

This immense sea of legacy code highlights the challenges and opportunities in transitioning to cloud computing, an endeavor that demands innovative approaches and technologies, including the potential, yet debated, role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – a discussion point elucidated upon by industry expert and COO of a COBOL modernization company, Bonnie Castello, with whom we spoke in mid-January during an Expert Insight Skull Session chat we hosted.

On January 18, 2024, I was once again able to connect with private/full time investor Tim Heitman via an Investor Insights Skull Session. We riffed back and forth on various topics including investing strategy, the utilization of models in investment analysis, approaches to conference calls and related transcripts as tools for post-earnings research, behavioral finance, document analysis, the analogies between personal life and investment decisions, using industry experts to more fully understand an industry in which potential investments reside, criteria to look for in multibaggers, and much more.

Now that we are heading into 2023 Q4 earnings reporting season, we thought it to be a good idea to tabulate the last several months of company financial performances that we compiled for our Monthly Forums, going back to August 2023.

As you know, we curate the most notable earnings releases from our Model Portfolio stocks, and generally from across our large universe of microcap coverage. Some mornings can get a bit hectic.

For those of you that use GeoInvesting for idea generation, we’ve created a page for you to be able to search, sort and filter for various criteria related

CXDO has risen 186% since our November 10, 2023 post-Q3 earnings Skull Session Briefing with the company’s COO, Doug Gaylor.

After this past Thursday’s follow up briefing with him, we think it is a good time to highlight some of the clips from our Twitter Space discussion with 20-yr Telecom Expert Joe Hamblin, as some of Doug’s and Joe’s views intersect.

The talk with Hamblin, intended for us to keep learning about what companies like CXDO have to do to keep growing, actually occurred one day prior to November’s event with Doug and CXDO’s strong third quarter earnings release.

A few weeks ago I was dusting off the shelves of some of our research files at GEO, when I came across a quote I saved from an article discussing the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill that went into law on November 15, 2021. The planned spending is quite extensive:

“California ($44.558 billion), Texas ($35.440 billion), New York ($26.922 billion), Florida ($19.098 billion) and Illinois ($17.814 billion) will get the biggest allocations.”

It served to remind me of one of our screens we created but eventually removed from GeoInvesting: The Infrastructure Screen.

As we go into another election year, there are certainly going to be some circumstances that will affect the financial markets, but will we be able to predict how? What will the fed position be on monetary policy? How about interest rates…will they lower them three times, as predicted by Wall Street? Will energy prices rise or fall? What will the CDC say about any new strains of Covid? What mundane things will Presidential candidates say that will sway the market one way or the other.