Important Monthly Updates On What’s Happening At GeoInvesting
Volume 2, Issue No. 1, January 2022 (Download here)
Happy New Year!
We’ll be getting back to the normal Monthly GeoWire format next month, but we wanted to take this first edition of the new year to look back at everything we were up to in 2021, and to offer you a special rate to a GeoInvesting subscription so you can enjoy our new high conviction stock idea. The company is seeing massive insider buying, but the market is ignoring this very bullish signal. It is basically a situation that we view as a post-Christmas gift, making it our top multibagger idea heading into 2022!
With another year down the drain, we looked back at some of the things that we embarked upon in 2021, as well as some of the recurring subject matter that we tracked during each passing month. It’s likely that a good deal of coverage is going to bleed into 2022, but our pipeline of new stock ideas is always robust and on the immediate horizon – ideas that our premium emails and alerts convey. We are preparing ourselves for another year’s journey into the realm of Tier One Quality microcap stocks at GeoInvesting.
By the way, if you are not a Premium Subscriber and you want to find out more about our Premium Twitter alerts, inquire about that here or send an email to
Also, we have a New Year’s resolution we are very excited to share with you that we believe will positively affect your portfolio if you take GeoInvesting’s premium service for a whirl. It will soon be coming to you soon via email, so keep an eye out for that separate correspondence.
Please read the rest of our New Year’s note to you here.
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We get questions about the difference between being a free GeoInvesting opt-in (by sharing your email with us) vs. being a premium member. Premium members get access to GeoInvesting’s entire research and stock picking platform which includes:
Access to our premium Twitter feed alerts.
Access to all of our Model Portfolios, including all of our “Buy On Pullback” Model Portfolios.
Timely alerts on new stock picks and research from our entire catalog of microcap stock coverage, spanning 14 years.
Access to participate in all of our Live Interviews with CEOs of microcap companies and Fireside Chats with in-depth Q&A sessions.
Regular invitations to our monthly Open Forums to discuss Geo’s microcap coverage universe. Hosted by Co-Founder Maj Soueidan. (Next one scheduled for September 1, 2021)
“Weekly Wrap-Up” emails, curated for our Premium Subscribers highlighting our research coverage and stock idea generation that took place during the week.
Access to all premium audio and video podcasts highlighting our stock pitches and educational content.
Access to stock picks from our community of handpicked Research Contributors who have proven to beat the market.
And since you are currently not receiving GeoInvesting’s premium content, we thought we’d try to clear things up a little to let you know what you have been getting:
Alerts when we have new stock ideas and model portfolio updates that we are about to share with premium members.
Educational content.
Selected podcasts and video content.
Now, we are excited to let you know we are introducing a new free monthly newsletter to help you get familiar with what we do. We are calling the newsletter, “GeoWire” where we will provide you with a monthly recap of coverage on specific stocks, stats and general commentary coming out of GeoInvesting. What you’ll get:
A look at a stud and/or dud stock in our Model Portfolios to help you learn from our successes and failures. In other words, one that we are proud of, and one that disappointed us.
Select return stats of the month, both on the GeoInvesting front and in the microcap world as a whole.
A little bit of insight into our research pipeline and elevator pitches on bullish investment themes we are capitalizing on.
A monthly highlight showcasing a stock that we put a strong emphasis on in our research
Education on microcap stocks.
Any other information in our microcap coverage universe that we might want to share with you.
And, by the way, you can choose to become a GeoInvesting Premium Member at any time to receive all of our premium research by clicking on this link, by emailing us at or by calling us at 800-891-1526.