In This Month’s GeoWire Gearing Up for The Starting Five Virtual Conference #4, And Reflecting on #3 Uncovering Two Micro-Cap Multibaggers Through Press Release Research: PSIX and CSBR [Case Studies] The Role of Politics and Macro Trends in Microcap Investing […]
It is particularly important for investors that don’t have enough time to perform the deep dive analysis necessary to run a concentrated strategy to expose themselves to a diversified portfolio of high-quality microcap stocks that can offer the alpha-rich returns other classes of market capitalization cannot always promise.
Geoinvesting has launched a few Model Portfolios since 2016. However, we have been tweaking the Model Portfolio framework over the past few months. The latest is the Open Forum Focus Model Portfolio (launched earlier this year), finally replacing the Legacy Top 5 Faves Portfolio, which delivered a 203.81% average return over the course of its existence, or since 2019. The new model portfolio aims to highlight GeoInvesting’s highest-conviction, earnings per share growth-driven ideas in response to shifting investor sentiment favoring value and quality vs. pure growth stocks, since 2022.
The biggest hurdle for early-stage growth companies, from an investment perspective, isn’t simply determining whether they have a good business model. It’s assessing whether they can grow that business without destroying their capital structure by continually raising dilutive equity to cover losses on the path to (potential) profitability.
We decided for the first time to use this due diligence framework as an experimental launching pad for a potential ongoing series of Skull Sessions labeled, ‘You Make The Call.”
In This Month’s GeoWire September was a busy month of events, filling in the gap for slow microcap earnings flow. 5 microcap management Skull sessions (TGEN, CVALF (COV.V), TSSI) and 2 peer discussions (Dakota Quint and Deep Sail Capital) Another […]
We’ve been on the trail of data center-themed stocks, especially after one of our Top 5 Faves, $TSSI, showboated its way from $0.27 at the beginning of the year to a recent high of $5.67, or over 1,900%.
This multibagger move was helped along by a series of circumstances that all fed into the stock’s momentum, from an obvious data center branding strategy showcasing itself as a major contender in the data center services space (with DELL as its largest customer), to a better than expected Q2 earnings report, to last week’s Hindenburg Research short report on $SMCI.
While small caps experienced a significant rally in July, a good amount of those gains have vanished, with a sharp decline accelerating after July 31. Concurrently, large-cap companies have continued substantial drops that began in July as small caps took centerstage for a few seconds.
Recession fears have resurfaced among market commentators, echoing concerns that were prevalent but largely unfounded over the past decade. Despite this, our focus remains steadfast on long-term fundamentals, unaffected by the prevailing market sentiment.
Earlier this month, I was pleased to see our team worked hard to ensure that our July 2024 Monthly Open Forum kicked off right at the start of July. We’re committed to maintaining this schedule for future Monthly Forums, focused on bringing you the previous month’s highlights early, before rolling too deep into the next each month. This timing helps our team focus on delivering more value-added research throughout the month rather than preparing for the forum.