The GeoTeam is continually looking in places where others fear to tread, like the OTC Markets. The OTC Markets have a well-deserved reputation for hosting more than their share of questionable companies. However, on rare occasions legitimate OTC gems fly […]
Mikros Systems Corporation (MKRS), is an advanced technology company specializing in the research and development of specialized test and maintenance equipment for the U.S. Navy. The company’s products… ADEPT (roughly $100K per unit) ADSSS (Price TBD) … provide the Navy […]
Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:FFEX) is the largest full-service, publicly-owned, temperature-controlled trucking company in North America. We owned the stock in 2012 and even wrote a brief article, “Frozen Food Express, Third Time’s a Charm”, indicating that we felt […]
On December 18, 2012 we added Selectica Inc. (NASDAQ: SLTC) to our 52 week high screen @ $6.40 per share and sent our research note to members in our December 19, 2012 email. In our January 3, 2013 Seeking Alpha […]