Investing legends like Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett and John Templeton may approach investing from different points of view, but they all have one thing in common: They zig when others are zagging and zag when others are zigging. In other […]
In early 2016, we introduced our first “Buy on Pullback” Mock Portfolio. We stated: “We are constantly on the search for company stock prices that react negatively or have muted reaction to good news. These type of overreactions or under […]
While investors are shoring up resolutions on how to approach investing in the year 2017, at GeoInvesting we thought it to be a good idea to reflect on the 2016 performance of one aspect of our business — our Call to […]
Election fears are causing a bit of uncertainty in the financial markets. Stocks have been trending down. As we sit on modest daily declines in the market for the past 7 consecutive days, we once again are faced with an […]
We are constantly on the search for company stock prices that react negatively to good news. These type of overreactions are often the result of market gyrations or investors not digesting the full scope of a particular news event. In […]