First off, we’d like to say thanks for the all the feedback regarding your SanaCurrents home page. We’ve reduced a little bit of the “noise” so you can as quickly as possible get right to researching the sentiments that we’ve been putting out on a weekly basis. Because was one of your feedback, we went a step further to enable you to filter and search just about every aspect of our reports, making sure that all the pending catalysts are most evident upon navigating to the page.
Once you are done searching by way of filter, you can reset the table as follows:
Something that we are most proud of regarding the publication of this table is that every row is expandable to show even more details associated with each sentiment report. Subscribers wanted a way to quickly see the abstract for each report. In most cases, the abstract is the first few paragraphs of the report summary that will reiterate the sentiment imparted onto each company’s event. Coupled with the abstract is a slightly expanded description of the catalyst event to include the focus drug. Also, don’t feel shy about scrolling down the page – you won’t lose the column headings since we know how annoying it is to lose focus of what all the information means.
And don’t forget that you are able to scroll from page to page to see more historical reports and abstracts.
To compliment all the details that we now provide at your fingertips, we’ve included a tab at the top of the page that will give you the next 150 catalysts as published at At times, you can cross check a catalyst published there with a sentiment report that we’ve released.
In addition to the upgrade to the SanaCurrents page, you may have noticed you are receiving a SanaCurrents report every week now, instead of three times per month. To make your investment choices easier, we are sending the SanaCurrents reports to you after the market closes on Friday afternoons. This allows you to take in and review the report before the market opens on Monday.
SanaCurrents will be publishing weekly, excluding four US holidays: Easter, July 4, Thanksgiving and Christmas. For the rest of 2020, the holiday schedule means there will be no Friday reports sent on April 10, July 3, November 27 and December 25.
We hope you find these improvements helpful and see the value. Keep the feedback coming. Making this service as convenient for you as possible is a top priority for us, aside from getting you the most insightful reports, of course.