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We hope you had a great weekend. We ended last week with no calls to action, but did have a handful of microcap earnings come in on companies that we follow or are in our Model Portfolios. If you missed any of the updates, now’s your time to catch up so you can stay ahead of the game and be ready to understand the microcap stories that are unfolding, and those that are new to us as they enter our pipeline.

Stay tuned for the May 2022 Open Forum occurring on Wednesday. The details of the live meeting are here. This is intended to be the conclusion of our 2-part series on up-to-date convictions on our Model Portfolio holdings.

While the NASDAQ finished 6 straight weeks in negative territory and officially hit a drawdown of 25% from its November highs, it’s a great time to buck this trend by finding new and strong microcap stories that have a chance to not move down in sympathy with the prevailing sentiment.

We know it’s not easy to have a mindset to keep performing research when your portfolio might be getting decimated, but there’s always a bull market somewhere.

Even though a diversified portfolio still might not go up during these rough patches, we can maintain some level of optimism by finding a few stocks to cherry pick while we are waiting for things to turn to positive. For example, we’d like to point you to three stocks that entered our research funnel this year. We’ve covered them in either Reasons for Tracking articles or a high alert research summaries. They’ve performed nicely, bucking the market trend.

Rcm Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:RCMT)>50% since the resumption of our coverage in April 2022

Verde Agritech Plc (OTC:AMHPF) (NPK.TO), 69% since our RFT on February 16, 2022, so far peaking at 107%

Canterbury Park Holding Corpora (NASDAQ:CPHC)>50% since adding it to our research funnel in March 2022

We will take what we can get as we wait.


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