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We can’t believe that we are nearing Labor Day already. It’s been a trying year, but silver linings have surfaced now and again. One of those silver linings, as noted last week, is that some of the microcaps that we follow are starting to once again gain traction in their plights to follow through with expectations laid out while still in the throes of dealing with the aftermath of the pandemic, supply chain disruptions and inflation.

We believe that stock ideas coming to fruition, especially as a direct result of many of the tenets we use to evaluate the fitness of an investment, are the bright spots when the pervasion of negativity slams the market. These tenets, or as we like to call them, Tier One Microcap Criteria, are at the core of our discoveries in the microcap investment arena. Maj and our new GeoInvesting team member, Sanjay Amarnani, discussed the top 10 of these criteria in detail.

As luck would have it, this discussion was recorded (ok, we admit, we planned it), and it is available to view below. We won’t stop stressing the importance of following the guidelines set forth in this talk, and now it is not just a list that you’d have at this point perused through various communications and pages strewn about our site. Now it’s etched in hopefully what is the first of many discussions to come as we continue to learn together.

With that being said, we want to remind you that you shouldn’t necessarily take “Tier One Quality” at face value. Sure, we’d love to find stocks that are undervalued and meet all 10 criteria. However, some of the best opportunities will be in those companies that don’t meet all of them, but are moving towards meeting the ones they lack.

Remember, investors will often avoid the ugly duckling‘s of the market. All we have to do is find the ones that will not look so ugly in the future, allowing us to buy them at cheap prices that won’t be available once they look pretty. As the famous quote goes, “Zig when others are Zagging.”

Thanks for watching, and we look forward to furthering and building upon the main points of this interaction.

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