GEO Investing

The following charts include some fundamentals as well as what we consider to be helpful information in assessing the risk profile of some U.S. Listed Chinese companies. This list will grow as earnings season progress, so save this post!!!


Risk Profile


  1. GeoTeam


    Hello Scott,

    YHGG.. Well I like ag plays, since they will benefit from inflation. I was not that excited about the stock until they reported a pretty nice quarter last reporting period. I am a little suspicious of the growth they pulled out of the hat, especially as I am concerned that the company will tap the equity markets.. Prior to the quarter, EPS growh had been inconsistent and anemic. I have also noticed that YHGG has used “creative” ways in the past to boost growth. I would like to see another good quarter, see a reverse split, uplist and perform some on the ground DD before i get too excited here.

    Here is a post you may like to read:

    CTXIF.. These guys could not even get guidance right in an interview i conducted. Powerpoint I was viewing did not match interview. They also had a financing arm that I could not get my hands around/buy into. Think they need financing to complete near term business plan. Regardless, it is getting cheap enough that I should pull SAIC filngs on them. Thanks for the reminder

  2. Scott Mustric

    What are your thoughts on CTXIF.ob China Linen and YaSheng Group?

  3. GeoTeam


    It was only mentioned as a comparable, as they have not released earnings yet. But I really like YONG.

  4. Renn Valo

    Renn Valo

    I see YONG mentioned in the spreadsheet, but I don’t see them listed. Do we have the stats on them for this sheet?

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