GEO Investing

We are offering conclusive proof that LLEN does not own the Ping Yi Mine:

  • We offer evidence that undoubtedly proves that LLEN did not purchase the Ping Yi Mine as it has been repeatedlyasserted in SEC filings.
  • We offer evidence that undoubtedly proves that the Ping Yi Mine is for sale by an investment group with no discernible ties to LLEN.
  • We reference multiple data points across several official Chinese and SEC filings that precisely match information on the SAICfiling we have pulled. We argue this identical match is conclusive proof that we have not misidentified the Ping Yi Mine.
  • One of our pieces of evidence includes an official government document published in a public news periodical that supports our conclusion that LLEN does not own the Ping Yi Mine. We spoke to the person representing the investment group selling the Ping Yimine who repeatedly denies that LLEN ever purchased the mine.
  • Directly check the current basic information regarding the Ping Yi Mine yourself with only a click. The investor can directly go tothe Guizhou Province SAIC Office to check the currentstatus of the Ping Yi Mine. After typing the full name of Ping Yi Mine and security code, you can see that the current legalrepresentative is Mr. Hu Shiwei, who is not affiliated with LLEN, and the current business license number is 5200002932260.

As previously stated in our original report, and even more so after further due diligence, we believe that LLEN shares are not

investable and pose an extreme risk to long investors.

We also take note of LLEN’s two press releases this morning:

In the face of on the record, detailed accusations from researchers responsible for discovering a series of massive governance frauds at the likes of YUII and PUDA, a press release promising a looming 25% revenue increase via expanded sales and marketing joint agreements should be seen as an attempt to distract investors from the grave matters at hand.

Similarly, as we continue to demonstrate, there is a large amount of conclusive documentary evidence from official sources that LLEN utterly ignores. Instead, its management appears unconcerned that someone is advertising one of their key assets for sale. In

sum, we are being asked to trust their legal team and Auditor, Kabani and Co, a firm that has been involved in many of the most dubious reverse merger audits. We respectfully decline to give them our trust.

These evasions and tactics should be abundantly familiar to the burned investors of dozens of Chinese reverse mergers and bodes ill for the value of their capital.

Any long or short LLEN investor should read every page of the following report thoroughly.

See all the evidence! (and comment on slide share)

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