GEO Investing

Below are highlights of subject matter related to the company’s tube/magnetron/microwave business and use cases, the replacement of lead acid batteries with longer-life ultracapacitor modules in wind turbines, as well as the profitability of these capacitors.

We are extremely excited about the company’s involvement in the wind turbine industry, as its ultracapacitor solutions extend the useful life of equipment needed to operate turbines when compared to the status quo lead acid lead acid battery solution. Furthermore, the company is starting to address the needs of lab grown diamond and 5G markets, hot and growing sectors where RELL is seeing increased order flow.

Today’s analyst estimates for ZYXI of $20.47 (Sentieo) are more than 185% higher than ZYXI’s current price of $7.00, a price that we think might represent a “coming back down to earth” scenario, where valuation should be reassessed, even in light of a new February 17, 2022 report by Night Market Research on the company titled, “Zynex: UnitedHealthcare Terminating Contract – An Undisclosed Loss That Accounts For 50%+ EBITDA.”

Night Market Research thinks that guidance will need to be dropped, but is this really the case? Will the UnitedHealthcare Network want to get back money for which they were supposedly overbilled, or will they have already lost their leverage and window of opportunity, being that they were originally part of Zynex’s network? Will the new acquisition dilute shareholders since more than half of it was stock-based, and how accretive will it be? How will this affect estimates?

On this Super Bowl Sunday, we’re highlighting a PodClip recorded by Maj on Friday where he talks about a few things.  First he reflects upon his investing over the years and how the market is rotational. After years of reckless behavior where investors ignored, valuations came into play and the numbers matter again – microcaps being a big beneficiary of this pattern of capitulation and resetting.

In January 2021, we saw markets getting crushed. I know it can be tough and depressing if you continue to obsess over every red tick. Don’t get down – now is the time to attack and focus on your best bullish ideas and get your pipeline ready as everybody else is complaining and capitulating. Start looking at stocks that are on sale because history shows over and over again that downturns don’t last forever.