GEO Investing

we are pleased to announce that on Thursday the 16th at 4PM EST, we will be hosting our next Fireside Chat for our Premium Members with a company that Maj feels has many cookie cutter characteristics exhibited by some past multibaggers in our coverage universe. We recently shared a video on GeoInvesting’s Pro Portal highlighting Maj’s Deep Dive Due Diligence Research session on the company. It showcased how new management is set to capitalize on capturing market share. It’s worth noting that we think the multibagger move we are predicting will be accompanied by favorable capital allocation strategies in the form of stock buybacks and special dividends.

The big question here is, will the continued and predictable attention given to a new Covid-19 variant out of South Africa have a prolonged effect on the direction of the markets, as well as on the stocks in our Model Portfolios? This in combination with a noticeable trend in market participants’ profit taking, or flight to safety, could spell a golden opportunity for us to double down on our biggest convictions in our Favorites Model Portfolio should they have a pronounced fall in price.  

As you may know by now, a weeks’ long effort of on-the-ground due diligence and research culminated in a report on agricultural company $SEED, which currently resides on our premium portal. We have yet to decide if we are going to open the report up to the public to reveal exactly what we found. We present supporting evidence for our bullish stance on the company’s future