Concierge Technologies (OTCBB:CNCG) – The company has been slowly ramping up revenues over the last several years. The company claims it has been making tremendous progress…
Bio-AMD (OTCBB:BIAD)- The company became public when shareholders registered 2.5 million shares of stock Under the name Malibu Minerals ) with the intention of building a mineral exploration company. In the summer of 2007 the company…
Biolife Solutions (PINK:BLFS) – The company manufactures and markets products for customers involved in cell therapy, tissue engineering, cord blood banking, drug discovery, and toxicology testing. Company has grown its revenues….
Galtech Semiconductor (PINK:GTSM) – The company recently completed a reverser merger with ANTs Software Inc., a Texas Corporation, comprising numerous software intellectual properties and projects. Full reverse merger details…
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