Since GeoInvesting’s inception in 2007, the company has followed a strict regimen of disciplined research and investing that enabled it to forge ahead through the widespread recession that engulfed the market at large, reaping substantial investment return. While other organizations faltered, GeoInvesting’s ability to execute successful decisions made it clearly apparent that it could survive in any market environment. Our reports and picks proved time and time again that a recipe of thorough due diligence will trump luck any day of the week and for the long haul. Below are some individual success stories as well as some overall stats that we are particularly proud of, covering different scenarios and company genres, which showcases our analytic skills and ability to adapt our diligence to any sector:
GeoBargain Investment Return
Our top picks, referred to as GeoBargains, have not let us down over the years and have given us above average investment return. GeoBargains include a group of stocks with both quantitative and qualitative characteristics that we believe enable them to outperform their peers. At their peak and as a whole, GeoBargains have reaped an aggregate return of close to 100%. Not too shabby! We’re not here to give you some unrealistic pie-in-the-sky figure that so many other sites promise but don’t really follow through on. The reality of the matter is that with investing MUST come discipline, and we want to make your decisions easier and help you make money the smart way.