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As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our model portfolios, we have been diligently reviewing and updating our model portfolios in the recent weeks. Presently, our focus has shifted to reorganizing our Tier One OTC Model Portfolio, a curated/handpicked selection of potentially promising trade opportunities established from our screening for Tier One microcaps. Completing this task will take us some time due to there being nearly 90 stocks in the portfolio that need to be evaluated, many of which we know are long overdue to be taken off.

In the meantime, we are excited to present a compelling video stock pitch by a NEW GeoInvesting contributor. The pitch is on a company we believe stands out as one of the superior entities in the staffing industry. Notably, they strategically target industries with less cyclical characteristics, such as healthcare, alternative energy, and education.

Our interest in this company stems from GeoInvesting’s coverage of the stock which spans 10 years, and having twice dabbled in long positions.

Since our most recent recommencement of coverage in April 2022, the stock has witnessed an increase of 84% (as of 8/4/2023 close). Notably, the stock experienced a significant upswing during a period of high inflection and growth after years of stagnation.

As we carefully assess the potential of the contributor’s pitch to play out, we note that the stock has come off its earlier 2023 lows, but still off its 2022 high . Sean and I dig in to see if there’s still an intriguing opportunity. That due diligence starts with the pitch below. Please sign in with your premium account to view it along with an introduction to our guest.

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