Another Look at CTIB
We have been examining and analyzing CTI Industries Corporation (NASDAQ:CTIB) for the better part of the last three years. Our screeners for growth have placed it on our desktops once again, and this has prompted us to write a brand-new analysis on the company as it is working through a transitional period for its business.
A Hidden Catalyst for Growth?
Our brand new analysis looks at whether or not CTIB is going to continue as a mundane business, or if one of the company’s new growth prospects can create a secret catalyst for growth that the market may not have realized.
In our analysis, we identify what we believe can be a large catalyst for growth, conference call intelligence and key information arbitrage — all of which are significant points that the market may not be aware of yet. We identify the risks associated with the transition the company is making as well as what the potential significant upside may or may not be.
CTIB as a business is changing. We are trying to determine whether or not the company’s new model will provide more risk – or more reward — for investors.
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To read our high impact full length analysis, click here.