Something we are doing a lot more lately is working with our GeoInvesting premium members to help us get through our research pipeline. The first stock we did that with was Retractable Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:RVP). The collaboration went a long way to help us perform the due diligence needed to prepare our report that we published in March 2020. The stock went on an incredible run from $1.50 to as high as $21.50. We are extending a special thanks to Thomas Bernie and Andrew Vermeer for collaborating on that idea. So, it’s only fitting that in the spirit of collaboration, our latest group effort centers around three cloud communication companies. If you are not already, sign in with your premium account to see the reports on this page.
If you don’t have a premium account, you can try us out by going here to see what we’re all about. We are always hard at work to do research for you and find the best tier one quality microcap stocks.
Maj Soueidan
Thanks Stephane,
It’s been tough seeing the sector pullback. However, the long term tailwinds are still intact for all three of these companies.
stephane renaud
excellent work team, thanks for compiling