Due to the recent downturn caused by COVID-19, we decided to examine the companies we follow to consider which have the potential to achieve long-term positive outcomes. At the top of the list are to companies that are uniquely positioned […]
When Executive Casts interviewed Borqs Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:BRQS) CEO Pat Chan, we wanted to give him the opportunity to fully introduce himself to investors, a common and ongoing theme that the platform likes to showcase. Executive Casts serves to help […]
Ravi Sarathy was one of three Gridsum (NASDAQ:GSUM) executives interviewed by Executive Casts on June 28, 2017. The purpose of the interviews was to give GSUM an additional platform from which they could shed more details about their personal backgrounds, […]
Borqs Technologies (Nadsaq:BRQS) is a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) in China. Borqs’ CEO Patrick Chan delved into his company’s role as an MNVO during a discussion with Executive Casts on December 7, 2017. He explains to investors the company’s arrangement […]
Gridsum Holding Inc. (NMS:GSUM) is a company that provides data analysis software for multinational and domestic enterprises, and government agencies in China, addressing big data solutions. The company’s CEO, Guosheng Qi, sat down with Executive Casts at the company’s headquarters in Beijing, China […]
Gridsum Holding Inc. (NMS:GSUM) is a company that provides data analysis software for multinational and domestic enterprises, and government agencies in China. The company’s CEO, Guosheng Qi, sat down with Executive Casts at the company’s headquarters in Beijing, China to discuss some of […]
On June 19, we sent an alert that we add a new company to our GeoBargain list, exactly one week after disclosing our long position in the stock. This decision came about a month after we noted that we were bringing the stock into the premium member funnel and right after an interview with the CEO of the company. Like another stock in the telematics industry that we are digging into, MiX Telematics Limited American (NYSE:MIXT), this company provides mobile resource management (MRM) hardware and cloud services.
Are your returns not what you expected in one of the most historic runs in stock market history? You are most likely not alone. We’ve had our share of ups and downs, moments of jubilation and disappointment. But today, we are purely focusing on what we feel is going to give us one of those moments of jubilation, where we see the potential of a stock to see returns that you probably have not seen in your portfolio too many times, if at all, depending on your strategy. We came across this story with our methodology of following SPACs and uncovering information before the rest of the market.