GeoInvesting’s initial calculations show that NV5 Holdings (NVEE) 2015 EPS guidance could be conservative in light of the recent acquisition of Joslin, Lesser & Associates (“JLA”) announced on February 2, 2015 . Yesterday, after the market closed, NVEE filed an 8K/A showing the pro forma results of JLA. The acquisition will contribute roughly $0.20 (fully taxed) to the company’s 2015 EPS (assuming near 11 months of contribution). NVEE reported $0.96 non-GAAP EPS for 2014, and adding the EPS contribution of $0.20 from the acquisition would put NVEE at $1.16 which is ahead of the 2015 EPS guidance of $1.01 to $1.09. NVEE provides professional and technical engineering, as well as consulting solutions to public and private sector clients in the infrastructure, energy, construction, real estate and environmental markets.
GeoInvesting Views NV5 Holdings 2015 EPS Guidance as Conservative
The financials of Joslin, Lesser & Associates reaffirm our belief the managements 2015 EPS guidance is conservative as it assumes no growth from its core business. Given the facts, we think there is a strong possibility that management will increase its 2015 EPS guidance at the time of NVEE’s Q1 2015 financial results. Its also possible that if more investors begin to analyze the 8K/A and reach the same conclusions, shares could remain strong heading into Q1 2015 earnings.
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