GeoInvesting’s 90 Day Limited Time Guarantee
Due to the increased demand for our 90 Day Guarantee, we have a limited offer, available for the first time ever, for those who want to try us out without having to think about a recurring membership.
If you believe in our capabilities based on our track record, try our guaranteed 90-day intro offer for $250.
Yes, we used the word guaranteed.
We at GeoInvesting guarantee that in the 90-day period you will earn at least your $250 fee if you follow our Calls to Action.**
If not, we will give you back your money, because we didn’t earn it. Who else is willing to back up their research like this?
Think about it for a moment: we have a longer, better track record than other microcap research firms, and are willing to back up our research with our money and our reputation.
Because we have backed up our claims through bull and bear markets, through both Republican and Democratic Administrations in Washington, and all the investing fads that come and go.
And like the Babe, we consistently hit home runs.
ESCC, 230% ($2,300 earned on $1000 investment, $23,000 on $10,000 investment)
CRTN, 142% ($1,420 earned on $1000 investment, $14,200 earned on $10,000 investment)
ZYXI, 128% ($1,280 earned on $1000 investment, $12,800 earned on $10,000 investment)
DAIO, 208% ($2,080 earned on $1000 investment, $20,800 earned on $10,000 investment)
GLDC, 100% ($1,000 earned on $1000 investment, $10,000 earned on $10,000 investment)
Isn’t that what you really want?
Maj Soueidan, President & Co-founder
GeoInvesting, LLC
Daily Morning Idea Emails – Info Before It’s News and Morning emails consist of Calls To Action, Notable Market News, Select Earnings and Deeper Analysis RFT’s (Reasons For Tracking).
GeoInvesting Reports – Influential, in-depth analysis on only the best investment ideas we have to offer.
Premium Twitter Access – @GeoPremium provides actionable investment updates called CTA’s, or Calls to Action.
Spotlight Research – Quick but descriptive assessments of potentially actionable ideas.
GeoBargain Ideas – Stocks that have a history of outperforming their peers based on qualitative and quantitative advantages.
“I’m a big fan of your work and I can’t believe how many doubles, triples and home runs you guys hit.”
~ Chris I.
“In a web full of pumpers and #furus these guys deliver time after time”
~ @tbirdman (Twitter)
“I’ve uncovered a lot of hidden gems through your research”
~ Chris G.
“I want to congratulate your team for its excellent research and helpful analysis”
~ N. Alsaadi
“GEO Investing is providing a truly great and unique service to small retail investors”
~ J. Smithers
“I love your site! I have told my stock buddies about it and use it every day”
~ Gerald C.
“First off, great site — love the depth of info you give out on my favorite sector – micro-caps”
~ Matt M.
As Seen In
**I believe in the research I and my team perform to the extent that we will refund your fee if at least one of our Mock Portfolio Stocks or Calls to Action (CTAs) does not yield enough to pay the cost, based on a $1k investment. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance, but we are confident you will be pleased. Any questions, email me personally at